
I have a distinctive ability to edit the written word across genres and extensive experience in developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, and proofreading. With a writer’s sensitivity for voice and a publisher’s understanding of audience, I strive to improve the books I am honored to help bring to life, as well as every email, press release, blog, article, and social media post, all while preserving the author’s purpose and individuality.

Molding Award-Winning Content

A case study in my well-honed “book vision,” Naturally Curious, the regional favorite and award-winning New England nature guide, is now in its second edition. What began as columns in a local newspaper was cultivated into a classic reference through my dedication to the brilliant work of author Mary Holland. “What makes this guide stand out is the way it’s organized,” stated the National Outdoor Book Award judges in their summary. “Marvelous.”

Piecing Ideas Together

Skydog Ranch & Sanctuary Founder Clare Staples had an idea for a coffee-table book, with a number of creative elements she wished to incorporate and hundreds of photographs to consider. Together, we worked to tell her story, along with that of the wild horse families she has reunited at her sanctuary in Oregon and the plight of the Mustang in the American West. “I have seldom read a nonfiction book with the emotional power packed into this one,” stated the American Horse Publications Media Awards judges in their summary.
“The writing comes from the heart but
is also correct.”



