
I have extensive experience as a copywriter, writer, co-writer, and ghostwriter. Whether flap, ad, or catalog copy, or complete and comprehensive books, writing is the task I most joyfully meet. I have helped celebrities provide forewords and busy professionals meet publishing deadlines. I have written to soothe, persuade, sell, inform, and inspire. I know how to use the art of the interview and strategic research to find direction and fill pages, and my keen imagination allows me to assume another’s perspective and delivery while attending to necessities like tracking and grammar.

Published Books

I’ve worked with top professionals, like renowned clinician and horse trainer Lynn Palm, internationally recognized animal behaviorist Linda Tellington-Jones, and famed aerialist and equestrian performer Sylvia Zerbini to tell their stories and share their expertise in beautiful, traditionally published books that reflect their strong and unique voices.

Published Articles

Articles I have written have appeared in print and online, including well-known magazines, such as Bend Lifestyle Magazine, Horse Illustrated, Equestrian Living, Dressage Today, and Sidelines.


For over a decade I maintained a company blog that included interviews, product highlights, industry commentary, and personal reflection.

